Sedation Dentistry
sedation dentistry

When it comes to a dental clinic visit, people often feel stressed out and daunted thinking about the pain and discomfort they might experience during a dental procedure. It is very common, especially with kids and teens. However, these days, there is no stressful and daunting element associated with dental procedures. Thanks to Sedation Dentistry.

Sedation dentistry or sleep dentistry is a part of modern dentistry that uses sedative medications or drugs to calm and relax patients before or during dental procedures. These medications depress the central nervous system in the patient, triggering a minimal, moderate, or completely unconscious state.

At DentalGram, our priority is to connect the patients with the best dental clinics in Canada that use sedation dentistry before or during dental procedures. Sedation dentistry ensures you have a great dental clinic visit and you do not carry any unpleasant experience while leaving the clinic after the completion of the dental procedure.

Different Levels of Sedation

There are four different levels of sedation. Dentists may put you in any of these sedation levels as per the requirement of the dental procedure and your anxiety level.

  • Minimal Sedation: You are conscious, but you are relaxed.
  • Moderate Sedation:You are partly unconscious and your words may slur while speaking.
  • Deep Sedation:You are almost unconscious but can be awakened.
  • General Anesthesia:You are completely unconscious.

Common Dental Procedures That May Require Sedation Dentistry

Many dental procedures are painful and require sedation dentistry. Some of those include:

  • Dental Extractions/ Tooth Removal
  • Dental Implants
  • Dental Surgeries
  • Root Canal
  • Bone Grafting
  • Dental Emergencies

Depending on the seriousness of the dental problem and the level of fear and stress in the patient, patients are given different levels of sedation.

Is Sedation Dentistry Completely Safe?

When administered by a sedation specialist or qualified dentist, the use of sedative medications before or during dental procedures is completely safe. The sedative medications are given after checking and analyzing the medical history of the patient. The patients can take sedative drugs in different methods, including:

  • Orally
  • Inhaling Nitrous Oxide
  • Intravenously (injecting a sedative drug directly to the vein)

If you often feel uncomfortable and frightened thinking about dental surgeries and procedures, the DentalGram app helps you find the right dental clinic where you are given a completely comfortable and pleasant atmosphere during dental procedures.